Art bouquet M


The Art Bouquet M is a well-balanced arrangement with rich textures and colors. It’s versatile, fitting both special occasions and everyday moments. The florists use seasonal flowers to create a natural, artistic bouquet full of charm.

This size adds a stronger visual impact without being overwhelming. It works well as a gift, a centerpiece, or a stylish floral accent for any space.

All our bouquets are delivered in special boxes with a small amount of water. This helps them stay fresh during transportation and ensures they last as long as possible in a vase after unpacking.

📏 Size: 40-45 cm

Discover the full collection of Bespoke bouquets in our store.

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Delivery within Prague and up to 5 km beyond city limits: We offer prompt delivery services within Prague and its immediate surroundings.

Same-Day Delivery: Place your order before our cut-off time to enjoy same-day delivery.

•In-Store Pickup: Collect your bouquet from our store. Orders can be picked up no earlier than 60 minutes after placing the order on the same day or during your selected time slot. Please wait for confirmation from our team before collecting your bouquet. 

Price: Prague delivery – 149 Kč, up to 5 km from the city line and airport – 349 Kč

  • Credit/Debit Card via GoPay: We accept major credit and debit cards through the GoPay payment gateway. 

  • PayPal: Secure transactions can be made using your PayPal account or directly with credit/debit cards through PayPal’s platform.

  • Bank Transfer: 

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